wtorek, 4 maja 2010


"This song showcases two different stories from fans that we've spoken with. The first story is about a little boy named Jack who was born three months premature. Doctors said he had less than one percent chance of living because of how underdeveloped he was. So a friend of mine wanted to minister to this family, and encourage them during this difficult time, so she got all the pictures that they took the day Jack was born and made a slide show for them and used our song 'Wrapped in Your Arms' for the background music. You can actually go on YouTube and find it. They've actually made a new one because now, after a year and a half, a very rough road with many surgeries, baby Jack is thriving." - Dawn

"The second verse - the second story - is about a lady from Louisiana who drove to one of our shows in Alabama and told us about how her husband who was a firefighter had fallen off a ladder truck. He'd been in a coma for months. She was up late one night paying bills when iTunes Genius recommended she check out our music, and she heard 'Unbreakable.' She told us that song became the theme to her life and helped her get through it, that if she didn't have that song, she probably would have lost it several times. Her husband's still in a light coma, but he's gone home, he's with his family. When we wrote and recorded this song 'Name,' we wanted it to sound like a lullaby for the baby and for the husband, just something that would feel like it makes them comfortable. The message of the song is that God knows everything; He sees you, He hears you, and everything is going to be OK." - Justin

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